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更新時間:2014-02-19   點擊次數:1977次



風速計在潔凈室參考標準簡單介紹:一、概況 截面風速的測試是針對100 級潔凈室(區)的,它是衡量藥品包裝材料的生產環境是否正常運行并進行評價的重要依據之一。
1 、定義 明確地界定潔凈室(區)截面風速測試中用到的專業術語。
2 、儀器設備 為使測試有效,并保證測試數據的準確性和可溯源性,對測試所用的儀器設備作出了規定。
3 、測試前的準備 截面風速測試前的準備工作。
4 、測試方法 該條列出了截面風速測試的方法和程序。
5 、結果評價 該條列出了測試數據的計算方法和如何對被測區域進行評價
6 、注意事項 該條列出了測試時應特別注意的數據收集方面的內容
(1) 藥品生產質量管理規范( 1998 年修訂)
(2) 直接接觸藥品的包裝材料和容器的管理辦法
(3) Code of GMP for Medicinal Products (2003 , FDA)
(4) Australian Code of GMP for Medicinal Products (16 August2002)
(5) Code of GMP for Medicinal Products (2003 , EU)
(6) ISO 14644.1 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments -Part 1: Classification of air cleanliness
(7) ISO 14644.2 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments -Part 2: Classification of air cleanliness
(8) ISO 14698.1 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments -Biocontamination control-Part 1: General principles and methods
(9) ISO 14698.2 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments -Biocontamination control-Part 2: Evaluation and interpretationdata
(10) ISO 9001 - 2000 質量管理體系
(11) GB 50243 - 2002 通風與空調工程施工質量驗收規范
(12) GB 50073 - 2001 潔凈廠房設計規范
(13) JGJ 71 - 90 潔凈室施工及驗收規范
(14) ISO GUIDE 51 - 1999 Safety aspects - Guidelines for theirinclusion in standards
(15) ISO 15161 - 2001 Guidelines on the application of ISO 9001 :2000 for the food and drink industry
(16) ISO 14971 - 2000 Medical devices - Application of riskmanagement to medical devices
(17) ISO 14971 - 2003 Medical devices - Application of riskmanagement to medical devices AMENDMENT 1: Rationale forrequirements
(18) USP 27-1116 Microbiological Evaluation of Clean Rooms andOther Controlled Environments
(19) PDA Bethesda,Maryland,USA - Microbiological Risk Assessment inPharmaceutical Clean Rooms

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